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I am a girl who loves pomp and circumstance: when I make plans, I like them to be big.
I am a girl who loves routine: my weekdays follow a very set, disciplined pattern.
But earlier this week, I threw routine and discipline out the door, and I learned that the simplest of plans can make you feel pretty damned happy.
Hubby and I cancelled our workouts and plans for a healthy, home-cooked meal. Instead, we put the boys down a little bit earlier, got take-out from the local burger joint and ice cream shop, and watched half of the first season of "Sex and the City."
As we sat there in our pajamas, munching on extra salty, extra crispy fries, the grease from the double cheeseburgers dripping down our hands, laughing over Big and Carrie's first meeting, we realized we were quite happy.
And our regular weeknights are very carefully planned: we watch what we eat and rarely skip a work-out because then it throws off our week (and my weight), and we have most afternoons scheduled down to the minute because, well, because when you have two small children chaos occurs naturally so a routine tends to keep things at least slightly semi-organized and pseudo-controlled.
But that night's spontaneous and silly plan felt luxurious and decadent. We giggled (literally) as we snuggled under my childhood Mickey Mouse comforter and felt like we were breaking all the rules. From the calories to the viewing selection, the entire evening felt irresponsibly and deliciously undisciplined.
That night has carried me through the rest of the week. I felt like we were co-conspirators, beating the system, somehow. The frivolity and simplicity of the evening made me realize that sometimes you can find joy in the most unexpected and simplest of things...and a couple of cheeseburgers.
I am a girl who loves routine: my weekdays follow a very set, disciplined pattern.
But earlier this week, I threw routine and discipline out the door, and I learned that the simplest of plans can make you feel pretty damned happy.
Hubby and I cancelled our workouts and plans for a healthy, home-cooked meal. Instead, we put the boys down a little bit earlier, got take-out from the local burger joint and ice cream shop, and watched half of the first season of "Sex and the City."
As we sat there in our pajamas, munching on extra salty, extra crispy fries, the grease from the double cheeseburgers dripping down our hands, laughing over Big and Carrie's first meeting, we realized we were quite happy.
We are lucky to have babysitting regularly enough that we have quality time together often, but...our nights usually consist of at least semi-luxurious outings, involving overpriced cocktails and fabulous shoes (SATC on the mind, perhaps?). If we have an opportunity to do something, we often feel the pressure to do something major.And our regular weeknights are very carefully planned: we watch what we eat and rarely skip a work-out because then it throws off our week (and my weight), and we have most afternoons scheduled down to the minute because, well, because when you have two small children chaos occurs naturally so a routine tends to keep things at least slightly semi-organized and pseudo-controlled.
But that night's spontaneous and silly plan felt luxurious and decadent. We giggled (literally) as we snuggled under my childhood Mickey Mouse comforter and felt like we were breaking all the rules. From the calories to the viewing selection, the entire evening felt irresponsibly and deliciously undisciplined.
That night has carried me through the rest of the week. I felt like we were co-conspirators, beating the system, somehow. The frivolity and simplicity of the evening made me realize that sometimes you can find joy in the most unexpected and simplest of things...and a couple of cheeseburgers.
mmmmm....that ALL sounds wonderful. We had a very similar night not long ago- a pizza with extra cheese, a couple of beers, and a rental of New Moon. It was heavenly. I also feel the same about Us magazines. I too am very structured and have way too much to accomplish every day, but every now and again, I say screw it and indulge in a night of celebrity gossip magazines.
ReplyDeleteBeating the system with cheeseburgers and a little Sex in the City? Can I join you next time?
ReplyDeleteWho are these men who will watch SATC or New Moon? Sounds fantastic and romantic though!
ReplyDeleteSounds perfect and isn't it great that SATC series can bridge the gender gap? My husband will happily watch it as he says the writing is good - ummm I think it's also that he likes the ladies. But whatever...a night in with TV and chips has got to be good. Louise x
ReplyDeleteWe do things like this a lot because up until the last month or so our babysitting options have been close to null. After putting our son to bed we are known for having fires outside (and getting randy too ; ) ), laying on the couch with nacho's and bad tv.....what could be better than being in your thirties and, as often as possible, acting as though you are still in your twenties without the responsibilities of a family and all that jazz. I think those are the true times of intimacy and what keeps a marriage fresh. Forget about the fancy dresses and drinks that cost $15, I'll take a $1 movie rental and nachos anyday!
ReplyDeleteEvery once and a while, throwing caution to the wind is a very good thing. It helps keep spontaneity alive and well, thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteAs for the burgers and fries, that particular place's burger have just the right combination of grease and juiciness. Don't even get me started on the fries! Worth every single extra minute of exercise later!
What fun! I so love nights like those.
ReplyDeleteVery nice! I must say, it's a rare treat to be alone with your spouse IN YOUR OWN HOUSE. Sometimes we hire a sitter and tell her to "Take them anywhere, but don't stay here." Just so we can have some wine and a few X-Files re-runs. It's great fun.
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what you mean. Exactly. In our case it's a big bowl of popcorn and whatever is on the Hallmark channel as we giggle and relax while our children unexpectedly sleep at the same time. You have to embrace the moments when they come, and they do carry us through long beyond when the TV gets turned off and we go back to sensible eating.
ReplyDeleteA change from the routine can feel like a holiday sometimes eh? Sounds like you had a really good time.
ReplyDeleteThere's an award for you over at mine if you're interested. x